Thursday 29 November 2012

My view on Journalism and Public Relations

My experience in journalism is to provide readers with accurate information and reliable information.  I always confuse Journalism with PR since I know how to frame and write a story-but didn’t know the best tools to research.Writing a report or research for  campaign is enormously different than writing news.

In journalism targeting readers (audience) is the main worry. Am not saying journalism is a bad field, am only talking about how I feel about the little experience am gaining in PR. Being a journalist is a very good profession, looking at the storytelling side or the ways news are presented in various television stations or televisions. Journalists are not selling, marketing or promoting services--they are the key influencers--reporting news about company through various media channels.

I can see in PR is about the company, community, clients and employees.It can bring new life to  a dying organization because it reveals hidden things about companies to its public and give a solution to the findings or the problems. PR has a lot of writing skills, promoting, selling and strategising on the whole communications to different audiences. As a journalist you may have to hire someone for market research and in PR you can do most things yourself. Pr work is greater than media relations, more work that journalists get is from this field. I think knowing both is fantastic and have seen that they are different.

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