Sunday 11 November 2012

Sex during lunch.

If you’ve never tried this before, this is time to give it a go. This is not for everyone but I can tell you casual sex gives a relationship a spark. Some of you may think am crazy, well you can call me whatever ‘sex doesn’t need a plan.’ What do you do when the going gets boring?

 Some of you may ask why I chose to talk about sex. Sex is a very good body exercise  you don’t have to go to the gym pay money when you have a partner at home that can help, keep you fit. Benefits of sex are endless, I can mention few here: One it doesn’t cost a penny --it causes  the brain to release small amounts of growth hormones known to have an anti-aging effect--which can take years off your looks. It boosts the circulation-- protects you from heart disease-- gives you extra energy and the best of all. If you are someone who has a busy schedule--having sex could lower your stress and your blood pressure.
Well if you’ve n ever run home to meet your sweetheart  for a little mid-afternoon quickie (nookie) or organize  a venue for him to meet --then you should try it and am not encouraging anyone to start doing it in the offices with colleagues. It has to be  with your partner. 

For those marriages or relationships that are sexless or in fire--it is good to start something different--arrange to meet during lunch.  Other times are good too, but when we are looking at different ways to spice up our relationships we have to try different tricks more especially after having kids--whereby one has to combine all. Some of you that have done so how did you get away with it?

"I haven't trusted polls since I read that 62% of women had affairs during their lunch hour. I've never met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex."
Erma Bombeck
  Let’s hear.

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