Monday 12 November 2012

Dating has no formula

 What came across my mind today is older women dating younger men.
Age is only a number forget about taboo, and all other sort of names people would give you.
 If you are happy in where you are why  do you worry about people!! Age difference doesn’t directly cause relationship demise its more about being ready and matured.What is it that a younger person can’t do that the older can do? We should always ask ourselves that question.

I know some of you are still questioning themselves if approached by young men.
You should give yourself a big credit there asking yourself--why you and what did he see in you at your age--but  that’s only if the guy is genuine. It helps you build your self esteem. Some they come just for the fun --experience--maybe got struck  by your beauty or confidence hence we have to be careful. Younger men found that some of the older women  are more playful--relaxed and focused. Oops, not sending you to start chasing younger men!!

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