Friday 9 November 2012

A change in your life.


We always have a feeling in our minds that something has to change about our lives. How many of you keep that motivation up, how many will ignore or start to get mixed feelings when it comes to that? Do we find it easy? Do you meditate? Do you look at your surrounding? Do you have friends that dream, ambitious-do you really know what motivates you?

The only way you can do is to kickstart or get fuelled is to dream, meditate and start changing the way you do things-for an example: If you are not an outgoing person and your dream is to have business, you need to mix with other business people, start reading or watch business news-that’s how you can start and be motivated, network, be optimistic and courageous. If you want to be a doctor you will surely move with people that are already in that field not a grocery keeper or a hotel owner. When you want to make a change in your life you don’t need too many friends. 

From today start looking at your friends, and ask yourself these: What do they do, do they impact your life, do you still need them for 2013? It may happen that some of you couldn’t achieve what they were meant to achieve this year, because of family bereavement, going through divorce etc -there is never too late 2013 is still a year. It may not be easy, but we all have to ‘walk the walk’ and the ‘walk’ can be tougher. As you are walking this walk, don’t expect a change quickly or drastically.

Don’t blame others for whatever happened, everything that has ever been accomplished in your life begins with YOU. This year is left with 52 days to end, sit down quietly and think about how will your life improve and what do you want it to be in the next year-2years-then in 5years before claiming that 2013 is yours please stick to your Dreams and Focus. © Bridget

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