Thursday 29 November 2012

My view on Journalism and Public Relations

My experience in journalism is to provide readers with accurate information and reliable information.  I always confuse Journalism with PR since I know how to frame and write a story-but didn’t know the best tools to research.Writing a report or research for  campaign is enormously different than writing news.

In journalism targeting readers (audience) is the main worry. Am not saying journalism is a bad field, am only talking about how I feel about the little experience am gaining in PR. Being a journalist is a very good profession, looking at the storytelling side or the ways news are presented in various television stations or televisions. Journalists are not selling, marketing or promoting services--they are the key influencers--reporting news about company through various media channels.

I can see in PR is about the company, community, clients and employees.It can bring new life to  a dying organization because it reveals hidden things about companies to its public and give a solution to the findings or the problems. PR has a lot of writing skills, promoting, selling and strategising on the whole communications to different audiences. As a journalist you may have to hire someone for market research and in PR you can do most things yourself. Pr work is greater than media relations, more work that journalists get is from this field. I think knowing both is fantastic and have seen that they are different.

Monday 12 November 2012

Dating has no formula

 What came across my mind today is older women dating younger men.
Age is only a number forget about taboo, and all other sort of names people would give you.
 If you are happy in where you are why  do you worry about people!! Age difference doesn’t directly cause relationship demise its more about being ready and matured.What is it that a younger person can’t do that the older can do? We should always ask ourselves that question.

I know some of you are still questioning themselves if approached by young men.
You should give yourself a big credit there asking yourself--why you and what did he see in you at your age--but  that’s only if the guy is genuine. It helps you build your self esteem. Some they come just for the fun --experience--maybe got struck  by your beauty or confidence hence we have to be careful. Younger men found that some of the older women  are more playful--relaxed and focused. Oops, not sending you to start chasing younger men!!

Internet Censorship

Internet censorship is about being restricted from certain web sites in the internet. It may be carried out by governments or by private organizations at the request of government, regulators, or on their own program. It differs from country to country for an example in countries like Syria political websites are banned--Tunisia websites with pornography or translation are blocked. In France and Germany anything related to Nazism is blocked.

I think people should be allowed to express themselves through internet , more especially if it’s for political reasons or country’s development. Blocking or filtering should be done in libraries, universities and internet cafes. I personally think it’s a good idea to block some sites as young children are exposed into sex through internet--younger boys are into older women because their age mates are busy with internet and not paying attention to them at all.

Young women’s pictures are all over the internet, stripping down--removing bras--posting pictures of their private parts to internet men who --don’t care about them--who won’t even marry them and forgetting that facebook won’t delete them .Many of those guys they tag those photos and post them around all those sex websites. People need to be aware of this. Marriages are on fire because of internet sex, a woman will go to bed thinking a man is doing his assignments in the internet while having internet sex with another woman online.Secondly, people are becoming lazy because of too much internet-they can order things while in their homes-obesity is increasing because they don’t walk to nearby shops anymore. For people who can’t walk is better. There are also good things about internet but not too many.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Sex during lunch.

If you’ve never tried this before, this is time to give it a go. This is not for everyone but I can tell you casual sex gives a relationship a spark. Some of you may think am crazy, well you can call me whatever ‘sex doesn’t need a plan.’ What do you do when the going gets boring?

 Some of you may ask why I chose to talk about sex. Sex is a very good body exercise  you don’t have to go to the gym pay money when you have a partner at home that can help, keep you fit. Benefits of sex are endless, I can mention few here: One it doesn’t cost a penny --it causes  the brain to release small amounts of growth hormones known to have an anti-aging effect--which can take years off your looks. It boosts the circulation-- protects you from heart disease-- gives you extra energy and the best of all. If you are someone who has a busy schedule--having sex could lower your stress and your blood pressure.
Well if you’ve n ever run home to meet your sweetheart  for a little mid-afternoon quickie (nookie) or organize  a venue for him to meet --then you should try it and am not encouraging anyone to start doing it in the offices with colleagues. It has to be  with your partner. 

For those marriages or relationships that are sexless or in fire--it is good to start something different--arrange to meet during lunch.  Other times are good too, but when we are looking at different ways to spice up our relationships we have to try different tricks more especially after having kids--whereby one has to combine all. Some of you that have done so how did you get away with it?

"I haven't trusted polls since I read that 62% of women had affairs during their lunch hour. I've never met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex."
Erma Bombeck
  Let’s hear.

Friday 9 November 2012

A change in your life.


We always have a feeling in our minds that something has to change about our lives. How many of you keep that motivation up, how many will ignore or start to get mixed feelings when it comes to that? Do we find it easy? Do you meditate? Do you look at your surrounding? Do you have friends that dream, ambitious-do you really know what motivates you?

The only way you can do is to kickstart or get fuelled is to dream, meditate and start changing the way you do things-for an example: If you are not an outgoing person and your dream is to have business, you need to mix with other business people, start reading or watch business news-that’s how you can start and be motivated, network, be optimistic and courageous. If you want to be a doctor you will surely move with people that are already in that field not a grocery keeper or a hotel owner. When you want to make a change in your life you don’t need too many friends. 

From today start looking at your friends, and ask yourself these: What do they do, do they impact your life, do you still need them for 2013? It may happen that some of you couldn’t achieve what they were meant to achieve this year, because of family bereavement, going through divorce etc -there is never too late 2013 is still a year. It may not be easy, but we all have to ‘walk the walk’ and the ‘walk’ can be tougher. As you are walking this walk, don’t expect a change quickly or drastically.

Don’t blame others for whatever happened, everything that has ever been accomplished in your life begins with YOU. This year is left with 52 days to end, sit down quietly and think about how will your life improve and what do you want it to be in the next year-2years-then in 5years before claiming that 2013 is yours please stick to your Dreams and Focus. © Bridget