Wednesday 9 October 2013

Worst breakfast food to avoid

We all have different definitions of breakfast. To me is the first meal taken after getting up from
a night's sleep--usually eaten in the early hours of morning… Breakfast is usually soft porridge taken with boiled eggs, or bread with jam, but nowadays we have different types of breakfast 
and worse thing is that some of us are either lazy or not having enough time  to prepare breakfast—decide to wolf down our left over pizza or McDonalds.
·         Ham, Bacon and Fried eggs

Eating bacon regularly in the morning know that one ounce of bacon contributes 30 milligrams of cholesterol not forgetting the cholesterol from fried the eggs that are always eaten with bacon-think also of the salt the bacon has. Ham and bacon are processed meats…. Know what you are doing when you order your English breakfast... Some researchers have concluded that regular consumption of processed meats may lead to higher risk for prostate cancer and other cancers.

·         Pastries

We all like to eat a baked good for breakfast—like doughnuts, pancakes and muffins , but they aren’t great if eaten regularly. High fructose corn syrup which people often put in pancakes can lead to more abdominal obesity and visceral fat, that is stored between the organs—and can lead to cancer.


Sugary cereals  

Cereals are full of carbohydrates and sugar that make weight loss very difficult and can drain one’s  energy.. When you eat them, your blood sugar rapidly spikes and then bottoms out. Frosties and Choc pop and Rice Krispies were found to be the worst  sweet cereals by Food Standards Agency.

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