Friday 18 October 2013

Three sisters getting married the same day because mother is dying.

Daughters of a Georgian woman, Becky Swales who is dying of breast cancer are set to marry on the 26th of October-because they want her to witness their wedding. She had been fighting breast cancer for more that 4years.

Swales girls all happened to be engaged at the same time. When the heartbreaking  news came out, Becky's community planned, donated and organized the event venue for the TRIPLE WEDDING. Her daughters described her as their role model and a friend which they can't imagine her not being able to see them walk down the aisle. What a wonderful community they have, helping like this so the mother can be there!

This should be a miracle cure for the mother-there are still good people in this world who band together when tragedy strikes. This leaves us with a big question. Do you have a community in where you are?

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