Tuesday 11 December 2012

My blogging experience.

Blog is a diary that is available in the web. Blogs are used by people who want to share what they know with other people using internet. Some by doing that they get to be known by the world. It can be promoting business, a product or sharing ideas. It brings like minded people together. In blogging you can connect with people you like. Blogs are owned by different people and can be different topics like- one can be political-talking only about politics, another can be economical-talking about businesses, finance, start-up tips, pre school savings, tips in bringing up kids and investing tips etc.

Mine is about lifestyle, I am someone who likes to share anything that has happened or happening, giving opinions and sharing thoughts. To me blogging is a way of expressing yourself to other people through writing and post that information to internet. So far I have only two topics that had few comments online, and it was my facebook friends that commented. So far I am still enjoying blogging and have no bad experience with it, all the people I met are friendly and respectful.

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