Tuesday 11 December 2012

My blogging experience.

Blog is a diary that is available in the web. Blogs are used by people who want to share what they know with other people using internet. Some by doing that they get to be known by the world. It can be promoting business, a product or sharing ideas. It brings like minded people together. In blogging you can connect with people you like. Blogs are owned by different people and can be different topics like- one can be political-talking only about politics, another can be economical-talking about businesses, finance, start-up tips, pre school savings, tips in bringing up kids and investing tips etc.

Mine is about lifestyle, I am someone who likes to share anything that has happened or happening, giving opinions and sharing thoughts. To me blogging is a way of expressing yourself to other people through writing and post that information to internet. So far I have only two topics that had few comments online, and it was my facebook friends that commented. So far I am still enjoying blogging and have no bad experience with it, all the people I met are friendly and respectful.

Monday 10 December 2012

Fast foods

Fast food is the name given to food sold in restaurant that is already prepared by another person.  It’s good to buy once in a while if you have family, it saves time if you had a busy day or you are in a hurry to go somewhere. I am against buying ready made foods, though I buy sometimes. I remember my 12year old at the age of 3 years he knew the Mcdonald  alphabet but couldn’t remember the first alphabet of his own name. I think fast food is better for single people that are always busy.

Fast foods are not healthy to be given to children, I think they have high cholesterol and is the reason why children are obese and for adults they will end up with high blood pressures and joint diseases. Preparing food in your own house gives the house a very good smell, cheaper, and you are the one preparing it-hygienically it is safe. In restaurants no one knows if the person preparing the food has washed the hands, how clean she is, amount of oil sometimes they put. Your family is around from preparation until the time to dine. It is very less expense, you don’t have to walk or drive-you buy grocery once a month or twice, everything is always at home.

Best Christmas gift

volkswagen citi golf 
Christmas is on the 25 of December, a day where Jesus Christ was born. It is celebrated by many Christians all over the world. This is what happens during Christmas time, children will be on vacation, some companies will close down for that day and the next for their staff to be with their loved ones, people exchange presents with relatives and friends.It is a very good time the year where kids get the opportunity to list all the gifts they wish to get and give to parents to buy.

The best ever Christmas present I got so far in 1999 was a grey citi golf car from my children’s father. I was so excited and didn’t know how to drive, I was pregnant my second child, couldn’t eat with the other people as they dine for the big day, I spend the Christmas sitting in the car playing music and practizing how to drive. I am still grateful for that gift even today.

To me any gift is fine,I understand one thing that people are not the same and years also are different. People buy Christmas presents when they can afford, it is not a must. Many families are struggling, I always tell my children to accept anything they are given.