Thursday 13 November 2014

A 22 year old woman grow potato roots in vagina

A 22 year old Columbian woman placed a potato inside her vagina as birth control.
She visited a local clinic complaining of abdominal pain. Upon examination, doctors discovered that an ill-advised contraceptive attempt  from her mother had led the woman to use a potato as a form of  birth controller.

The woman according to Colombian reports, she placed the potato inside herself and let it chill there for about two weeks. At that point the potato grew roots and suddenly the woman is some kind of incubator for an alien potato baby came to the hospital seeking treatment for intense abdominal pains, and doctors were shocked by what they found  a potato that, over the course of two weeks, had germinated inside her vagina. The patient’s nurse discovered roots literally growing out of the woman’s nether regions. “My mum told me that if I didn’t want to get pregnant, I should put a potato up there, and I believed her." she said.
Luckily, doctors were able to remove the potato without any surgery. The girl thankfully won’t suffer any lasting damage, except maybe not wanting to eat any potatoes for awhile.

I have decided to share this with you, I don't personal know how true is this. Here are some sources I used. List is endless.
Corbet,Craig. "Central Colombia woman grows potato in vagina in all advised contraception attempt. Colombia Reports".1October 2014
Daily Mail 3October 2014 "Woman who used potato in vagina as a contraceptive is hospitalized after it began to grow roots."
Roots grow out of vagina after woman uses potato as contraceptive. Times live 03 October 2014


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